Thursday, August 8, 2019

PAMANA: Nagahanon Heritage


        The spaniards introduced Christianity to the Filipinos. During their regime the Spaniards built churches. That explains why there are still many old churches in the Phillipines up until now. One of the few surviving old chuches I have seen is the one at Naga; Saint Francis of Asisi Parish. Based on my interview with Dominador Basaya a catechist, the church was destroyed during World War II and was rebuilt. The age of this church is over 190 years old! This church is one of the oldest churches in Cebu,this is why we should give importance. 

        The church should be restored for it to be more attractive to tourists and so that many people will also pray in the church. According to Basaya, the church can be renovated but it needs a huge amout of money and full restoration may cost a millions. Why? because the church is built on limestones. limestones and modern cement has different components which makes it difficult for them to stick together. Thats why it needs a million for it to be fully renovated. According to that the Naga church was robbed over a hundreds thousands of money collections. The robbers stole money through breaking the window on the treasurer's office last july 3,2019. Yap a police officer in Naga city said that the investigation is still on going.

According too: Benjie Layug The bell tower was destroyed by the November 25, 1876 typhoon, repaired, destroyed again in 1942 and rebuilt in 1974 by Msgr. Cesar Alcoseba. On October 3, 2007, the church was upgraded as an archdiocesan shrine.During World War II, the original bell tower was destroyed and portions of the church were damaged. A new separate bell tower was built in 1979. According to Dominador Basaya during our interview he said that the Bell tower cant be renovated because it is not safe. If the Bell tower is renovated it needs to be destroyed for it to be renovated. In my point of view, we really need to renovate the Bell tower even though it needs to be destroyed because the Bell tower adds attraction to tourists and so that people will like to pray on this church. 

According to Wikipedia Candles are lit for prayer intentions. To "light a candle for someone" indicates one's intention to say a prayer for another person, and the candle symbolizes that prayer.This is where people light there candles and pray. Compared to other churches, other churches have places for them to light candles and pray while Naga Church doesn't have any place to light candles, just like the one in the picture. The picture that I have taken has shown that there is only a small place that they could light candles. In my suggestion they should renovate it in order for them not to get crouded and might have a little bit of privacy. 

This is the Archdiocesan shrine of St. Francis of Asisi. In my suggestions they should put a proper parking place so they wont cover the beauty of the shrine Then it would be "Instagrammable". 

This is a wood carving made by Patascaya back in 2003. This wood carving is obviously made from wood. Upon entering the door, turn left and that you will see the wood carvings. When I took this picture i was amazed because the wood carving is  detailed and precisely made. However it seems to have not been given that much importance as it just stands by the corner. This is not really part of the old church but it is a good addition

This church is one of the oldest churches in Cebu. Attention to all Nagahanons (people of Naga) I want you to take point in this. Be aware. So Im calling out to all concerned citizens, NGOs and CharItable institutions to give the glimps and see what you can do to help. Always remember to  take good care of our heritage or "pamana" like this one, Naga City parish Church. 



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