Friday, September 8, 2023

EAPP Week 2 Journal: Text Structure of an Academic Text and Thesis Statement

"Text Structure of an Academic Text and Thesis Statement: 

Your Academic Roadmap"

          Another yet exciting day to explore the depths on the world of intellect, where our ideas take shape into reality. Witness, never ending curiosity as we begin to dig deeper, discovering new knowledge at every stop. Barge in with me as we venture the relationship between the regions of the Structure of an Academic Text and Thesis Text Statement.

    The text structure of an academic text acts as a fundamental framework, directing readers through scholarly works with sections including introduction, literature review, methods, conclusions, and conclusion. It serves as the guide for good communication. While the core idea, or thesis statement, is a succinct sentence that encapsulates the main contention. It acts as both the writer's and the reader's compass or map, charting the route of the entire document.

    Hence, the relationship between the Text Structure and the Thesis Statement is symbiotic. The Text Structure provides a home for the Thesis Statement, giving it context and support. Each part develops and supports the thesis statement as the article progresses.

    In conclusion,  Thesis Statement and the Text Structure of an Academic Text complement each other to produce insightful academic works. In the world of academics, this synergy turns ideas become reality. Let's embrace this dynamic interaction as we go forward and keep exploring information with never-ending interest.

-Mark Jemzelle B. Cogtas - 09/08/23

-EAPP(English for Academic Professional Purposes)


Friday, September 1, 2023

EAPP Week 1 Journal: Academic and Non-academic Texts


Academic and Non-academic Texts: A Dynamic Duo

Let's set sail, as we begin the adventure across both realms (Academic, and Non-academic text)!!!

     Let’s dive into the world of words, where knowledge and information meets us daily. As we go further, embarking the exciting journey between two distinct realms of Academic, and Non-academic texts. Come along! As we explore the unique beauty and significance of these two realms of writing, and how they mold our understanding of the world.


            In the kingdom of Academic text, lies within the pillars of research, and reliable data supported by solid evidence. Characterized by the use of formal language, standard structure, unbiased data, and is exclusive only to the academia, or to people who seek valuable source of information. Precision, and depth is the main priority of academic text, shaping our comprehension, preserving history and literature, to future generations. Non-academic text on the other hand contradicts to academic text. In this realm of non-academic text engages people with accessible/informal/casual language, and storytelling that is intended for the mass population. It is written to inform that resonates within our emotions, beliefs, and experiences. Due to non-academic text’s accessibility towards the public, it creates gaps in understanding complex data. As both realms differ from one another, both still contributes on how you perceive the world. Academic text widens our knowledge, while non-academic text mirrors the society’s consciousness. These two realms expand our perspectives, challenge norms, and transforms beliefs or intuition.


            The opera between academic and non-academic text, makes us realize the harmonious blend of intellect and emotion, precision and accessibility. As both realms differ, they coexist to foster our own diverse perspectives. Together, would suffice our understanding of the secrets that lies deep beneath the world. Together, would remind us the power that both wields, to inspire, create, connect, and transform. The absence of both, creates chaos, manifesting disruption, leading to meaningless wars, or even extinction.

                 -Mark Jemzelle B. Cogtas - 09/01/23

EAPP(English for Academic Professional Purposes)



                                   As mankind created technology, it has rocketed to a rapid speed where vast amount of writing can be seen ...